
Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

10 Planet ''Unik"

Alam semesta begitu luas. Planet yang dihuni manusia, planet bumi adalah satu dari seribu, sejuta, atau bahkan satu dari triliunan planet yang tersebar di angkasa luar. Berdasarkan fakta tersebut, tentunya anda pernah atau sering beranggapan mungkin ada kehidupan lain selain di bumi. Para ilmuwan meyakini kemungkinan tersebut ada dan dari waktu ke waktu terus berusaha mencari petunjuk untuk menemukan dunia baru.

Pada tahun 1990, para ilmuwan menemukan secercah harapan dengan menemukan sejumlah planet di luar tata surya (exoplanet). Planet-planet tersebut sangat beragam. Mulai dari planet api, planet berukuran raksasa, planet berbatu, planet yang tidak memiliki bintang, dan banyak lagi. Hingga kini, penemuan exoplanet mencapai 230 planet. Berikut adalah daftar sepuluh exoplanet

1. Sang Kuda Api
Quote from 51 Pegasi b adalah exoplanet pertama yang ditemukan para pemburu planet pada 1990. Planet mirip Jupiter, namun bertemperatur panas ini diberi julukan Bellerphon, pahlawan mitos Yunani yang menjinakkan kuda bersayap Pegasus. Pemberian julukan tersebut berdasarkan gugus bintang Pegasus, lokasi planet itu.
2. Tetangga Terdekat Bumi
Berjarak hanya 10,5 tahun cahaya, Epsilon Eridani b adalah exoplanet terdekat dengan bumi. Planet tersebut mengorbit jauh dari bintangnya sehingga air atau kehidupan mustahil ada.
3. Planet Tanpa Bintang
Terdapat sejumlah exoplanet yang memiliki bintang atau matahari lebih dari satu, bahkan hingga memiliki tiga matahari. Lain halnya dengan Planemos. Planet tersebut hanya "mengambang" begitu saja tanpa mengitari bintang apa pun.
4. Si Gesit
Planet SWEEPS-10 hanya berjarak 740.000 mil dari bintangnya. Saking dekatnya, planet yang disebut ultra-short-period planets (USPPs) itu hanya membutuhkan waktu kurang dari satu hari untuk mengorbit. Satu tahun di sana sama dengan sepuluh jam di bumi.
5. Dunia Api dan Es
Planet ini "terkunci" pada bintangnya, sama seperti bulan yang selalu menjadi satelit bumi. Jadi, satu sisi dari planet Upsilon Andromeda b selalu menghadap ke sana. Posisi ini menciptakan temperatur paling tinggi yang sejauh ini diketahui para astronom. Satu sisi planet sangat panas bagai lahar, sedangkan sisi lainnya bertemperatur sangat dingin.
6. Cincin Raksasa
Planet yang mengorbit pada bintang Coku Tau 4 ini adalah exoplanet termuda yang berumur kurang dari satu juta tahun. Para astronom mendeteksi keberadaan planet ini dari lubang besar dari cincin planet tersebut. Lubang tersebut berukuran sepuluh kali lebih besar dari bumi.
7. Si Tua Bangka
Planet tertua yang juga disebut primeval world ini berumur kurang lebih 12,7 miliar tahun. Para ilmuwan menduga planet tersebut terbentuk delapan miliar tahun silam sebelum bumi terwujud dan hanya berselisih dua miliar tahun dari kejadianBig Bang. Penemuan ini menimbulkan wacana bahwa kehidupan mungkin terjadi lebih awal dari yang diduga selama ini.
8. Planet yang Menyusut
Serupa dengan SWEEPS-10, planet HD209458b mengorbit sangat dekat dengan bintangnya sehingga atmosfer planet tersebut tersapu oleh angin stellar. Sejumlah ilmuwan mengestimasi planet tersebut kehilangan sepuluh ribu ton material setiap detiknya. Pada akhirnya, mungkin hanya inti dari planet itu yang akan tersisa.
9. Si Atmosfir Tebal
Planet HD 189733b adalah planet pertama yang atmosfernya "tercium" oleh para ilmuwan. Dengan menganalisis cahaya dari sistem bintang planet itu, astronom mengatakan atmosfir planet tersebut tertutup oleh semacam kabut tebal serupa dengan butiran pasir. Sayangnya, air tidak terdeteksi di planet tersebut. Namun, pemburu planet menduga ada kehidupan di balik kabut tebal itu.
10. Kembaran Bumi?
Gliese 581 C adalah exoplanet yang saat ini banyak menarik perhatian para ilmuwan di seluruh dunia. Pasalnya, planet terkecil di luar sistem tata surya ini berada di "zona aman". Artinya, planet ini terletak tidak terlalu jauh maupun terlalu dekat dengan bintangnya, sama seperti posisi bumi kita dengan matahari. Penemuan ini menaikkan probabilitas terdapat air atau bahkan kehidupan di sana. Planet ini 50 persen lebih besar dan lima kali lebih masif dari bumi.
Mungkinkah ada kehidupan lain di luar sana? Para ilmuwan mengatakan dapat lebih menguak hal tersebut pada tahun 2013, saat pengerjaan teleskop berteknologi tinggi bernama James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).

Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011

Asia! What an amazing trip I had there. For those of you who don’t know, I just got back from my first promo trip in Asia. I went to Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines and Indonesia. Each place was different and loaded with culture! It was amazing to see how different and also how similar the countries are to America.The food was amazing too! Lots of spicy sauces, I was afraid to try a lot of them. Too spicy for me! I think the best thing about going, was to meet and see all the fans! I loved seeing how dedicated, loyal, and polite they all were. It was crazy, because the album had only come out a couple weeks before I came and they knew all the words to every song! It was crazy. Another cool thing was that I got to play all acoustic sets; just me and the piano. That was really great because it kept the show intimate. I was sad to leave Asia but I hope to come back very soon. To all the fans there, I love you all and I will see you soon!!!
Asia! What an amazing trip I had there. For those of you who don’t know, I just got back from my first promo trip in Asia. I went to Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines and Indonesia. Each place was different and loaded with culture! It was amazing to see how different and also how similar the countries are to America.The food was amazing too! Lots of spicy sauces, I was afraid to try a lot of them. Too spicy for me! I think the best thing about going, was to meet and see all the fans! I loved seeing how dedicated, loyal, and polite they all were. It was crazy, because the album had only come out a couple weeks before I came and they knew all the words to every song! It was crazy. Another cool thing was that I got to play all acoustic sets; just me and the piano. That was really great because it kept the show intimate. I was sad to leave Asia but I hope to come back very soon. To all the fans there, I love you all and I will see you soon!!!

Took  this shot on set of the “Hold On ‘Til The Night” video shoot. I am so  happy and excited for you all to see this video. It is different from  anything I have ever done. I shot the video all in black and white and  created something that was more artsy and uplifting! I just got the  first rough cut of the video a couple days ago and freaked out! It still  needs a little work, but it already looks fantastic! In this picture  you can see the outlines of some lightbulbs…I don’t want to give too  much away, but I can tell you this video is about lighting up a new  generation. It is coming very soon everyone! Get prepared for the video  of “Hold On ‘Til The Night”!!
Took this shot on set of the “Hold On ‘Til The Night” video shoot. I am so happy and excited for you all to see this video. It is different from anything I have ever done. I shot the video all in black and white and created something that was more artsy and uplifting! I just got the first rough cut of the video a couple days ago and freaked out! It still needs a little work, but it already looks fantastic! In this picture you can see the outlines of some lightbulbs…I don’t want to give too much away, but I can tell you this video is about lighting up a new generation. It is coming very soon everyone! Get prepared for the video of “Hold On ‘Til The Night”!!

Me in Kuala Lumpur! Been here for two days now…it is so fantastic here! I love all the different cultures. There are so many different types of people in Malaysia and it is amazing to see that. Also, there is so much history in KL, it’s incredible. I think one of my favorites parts about this country is the food! They serve so many different types! You have Indian, Chinese and Cantonese. All of it is very spicy, I think I have burned my tongue completely off…(: I am enjoying this city so much!
Me in Kuala Lumpur! Been here for two days now…it is so fantastic here!
I love all the different cultures. There are so many different types of
people in Malaysia and it is amazing to see that. Also, there is so much
history in KL, it’s incredible. I think one of my favorites parts about
this country is the food! They serve so many different types! You have
Indian, Chinese and Cantonese. All of it is very spicy, I think I have
burned my tongue completely off…(: I am enjoying this city so much!

Greyson Chance (BIO)

Greyson Chance
At just 14 years-old, Greyson Chance has accomplished more than many musicians can hope for in their careers; two successful North American tours, performing at the White House, national television appearances on “Good Morning America,” “The Ellen DeGeneres Show,” “Late Night with Jimmy Fallon,” “CBS Early Show,” and, most recently, the release of his debut album Hold On ‘Til The Night fromeleveneleven/Maverick/Streamline/Geffen
Much of Chance’s celebrity began with a fortuitous YouTube post of a performance by the stage-ready 6thgrader for his fellow students of Lady Gaga’s “Paparazzi,” but the whirlwind of expsoure and international opportunities that ensued for this Edmond, Oklahoma native have been such that can only be earned by his sheer talent: “Chance’s gripping falsetto and seasoned vocal style bellie his age…” (US Weekly).
Now, with a critically-acclaimed debut album, which boasts a debut single “Waiting Outside the Lines,” that sold over 160 thousand copies to date and was the #1 physical single in the country for four straight weeks; topping media lists for young talent to keep an eye on; and a recent stint acting on the hit primetime FOX Television show Raising Hope, which he hopes to parlay into exploring acting further, Chance has become a household name.
The now infamous performance of “Paparazzi” in April 2010 went on to become YouTube’s #3 most popular video of 2010 and has received nearly 45 million views to date. Catching the eye of a producer at “The Ellen DeGeneres Show,”  led to Chance’s first guest appearance and a fateful return a week later, where DeGeneres announced that she had signed Greyson as the first artist on her newly formed label, eleveneleven.  The rest – as they say – is history.  Chance has now appeared on “Ellen” eight times, which includes debuts of his singles “Waiting Outside the Lines” and “Unfriend You;” toured North America with fellow teens iCarly’s Miranda Cosgrove, pop star Cody Simpson and Big Time Rush; and most recently, performed for the Campaign for Human Rights with President Obama in attendance in November and atVariety’s Power of Youth benefit.  Chance will be honored in Pop Star Magazine’s ’12 in 12’ issue in January 2012.
Of his live performance, The Washington Post says “catching Chance [perform] at this stage in his career is akin to watching a thoroughbred of impeccable breeding gallop as a yearling. He doesn’t have his legs under him yet, and stumbles are possible, but the raw materials are such that it’s hard to bet against him running with the big boys in a few years.”
“Without Ellen, none of this would have happened. She's been so supportive of me and my music from the very beginning, and has also become an amazing friend!” says Chance.
The release of his debut Hold On ‘Til The Night was recorded in Los Angeles with famed producers such as The Matrix (Christina Aguilera, Avril Lavigne, Jason Mraz, Britney Spears) and Billy Steinberg (Enrique Iglesias, Katherine McPhee, Miranda Cosgrove).  Unlike many teen artists, Chance took on much of the writing:  "Writing and recording this album has been such a fun and exciting journey!” said Chance. “I've put so much hard work into it and I am so glad to have music out there for my fans. It's about overcoming fears but always powering through, and I think it's a message my fans really relate to.”  Entertainment Weekly says, “Chance reveals a surprisingly mature voice.”
The album, which Rolling Stone magazine called a “potential blockbuster of a debut,” not only showcases Chance’s talents as a songwriter, vocalist and piano player but also his wide range of influences.  From the empowerment ballad “Waiting Outside the Lines” to the light-hearted up tempo “Little London Girl,” Hold On ‘Til The Night takes the listener on a journey of teenage love and heartbreak complete with undeniably catchy hooks and Chance’s signature powerful vocals.